
Multivariable Control and Coordination Systems 2015

For master students in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, as well as in Energy Management and Sustainability 

The objective of this course is to enable students to design advanced solutions for the control and the coordination of distributed dynamic systems, such as production or distribution energy systems, as well as intelligent transportation systems.
Selected chapters in multivariable control and coordination systems:
  • Modeling of complex dynamic systems using state-space representation
  • Analysis of dynamic properties of complex systems
  • Optimal control with and without actuator constraints
  • Sate estimation
  • Dynamic coordination

Dynamic Coordination EPFL 2014

For master students in Electrical Engineering, Microengineering or Computer Science

The objective if this course is to enable students to design advanced solutions for the coordination of distributed dynamic devices and systems, such as production or distribution energy systems, as well as intelligent transportation systems.
Selected chapters in dynamic coordination:
  • Modeling of complex dynamic systems using state-space representation
  • Analysis of dynamic properties of complex systems
  • Optimal control with and without actuator constraints
  • Sate estimation
  • Dynamic coordination

Global Issues in Communication EPFL 2014


Samuel Bendahan (CdH), Denis Gillet (STI) et Adrian Holzer (STI)


Le cours présente les enjeux mondiaux actuels liés à la communication instantanée et aux médias sociaux. L’approche interdisciplinaire intègre les SHS et les sciences de l’ingénieur et initie au travail de groupe et à la démarche scientifique.


Deux heures par semaine sont consacrées aux compétences transversales et à la gestion de l’information scientifique. Ces cours sont proposés par le Centre d’Appui à l’enseignement (CAPE ) et la Bibliothèque de l’EPFL. La capacité à participer au travail d’un groupe pluridisciplinaire sur un projet commun est une compétence essentielle pour tout ingénieur, architecte ou scientifique. Les étudiants découvriront le processus de formation et de développement d’une équipe et apprendront à tirer parti des différences au sein du groupe. Ils auront également une introduction à la gestion de projet et aux bases de la création d’une présentation (orale et visuelle). Chercher, trouver et gérer de l’information sont aussi des compétences essentielles. Les étudiants découvriront comment chercher efficacement de la littérature et des données, et comment citer correctement ces sources.

En parallèle, six séances de cours porteront en particulier sur les thématiques suivantes:

  • Accès à l’information – Information overload, filtrage, qualité et veracité de l’information, processus de formation d’opinion (culture Internet et tendances en ligne), systèmes de recommandation.
  • Medias sociaux – Protection de la sphère privée, identité(s) en ligne, réputation, confiance, approche critique des plates-formes.
  • Partage d’information – Propriété intellectuelle, piratage, plates-formes peer-to-peer, modèles d’affaire adaptés à l’age numérique, motivation, contenu gratuit partagé (open content and creative commons), co-création (wikipédia).
  • Sagesse de la foule – Prise de décision collective, débats, crowdsourcing, crowdfunding, e-democracy, leadership, communication de masse.
  • Gestion des connaissances – Echanges nord sud, knowledge dissemination, plates-formes favorisant le changement de comportement étique, environmental et éducatif, tels que les Personal Learning Environments (PLE) et les Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs).
  • Communication et réseaux de demain – Smart cities, internet of things, réseaux de capteurs, réseaux ad hoc, impact sur l’urbanisme, les transports ou la santé

Social Media EPFL 2014

For master students from the School of Computer and Communication Sciences, as well as from theSchool of Engineering (more details here)


The objective is to enable students to critically apprehend the Human Computer Interaction (HCI) challenges associated with the design and the exploitation of social media platforms.

  • Social media platforms and the long tail (definition and typology)
  • Usability and adoption of social media platforms
  • Web 2.0 features and adoption factors
  • Privacy, trust and reputation models
  • Identities, traces, and Web analytics
  • Interplay, between platforms and communities (interdisciplinary perspective)
  • Opportunities, requirements and constraints for organization and enterprises
  • Participatory design methodologies
  • Future ad hoc social applications

Dynamic Coordination EPFL 2013

For master students in Electrical Engineering, Microengineering or Computer Science

The objective is to enable students to design advanced solutions for the coordination of distributed dynamic devices and systems, such as sensor and actuator networks, production or distribution energy systems, as well as intelligent transportation systems.
Selected chapters in dynamic coordination:
  • Modeling of complex dynamic systems using state-space representation
  • Analysis of dynamic properties of complex systems
  • Optimal control with and without actuator constraints
  • Detection and state estimation
  • Dynamic coordination

Social Media EPFL 2013

For master students from the School of Computer and Communication Sciences, as well as from the School of Engineering


The objective is to enable students to critically apprehend the Human Computer Interaction (HCI) challenges associated with the design and the exploitation of social media platforms.
  • Social media platforms and the long tail (definition and typology)
  • Usability and adoption of social media platforms
  • Web 2.0 features and adoption factors
  • Privacy, trust and reputation models
  • Identities, traces, and Web analytics
  • Interplay between platforms and communities (interdisciplinary perspective)
  • Opportunities, requirements and constraints for organizations and enterprises
  • Participatory design and agile development methodologies
  • Extension of social media platforms with Web apps (interoperability standards)
  • Links between the Web of People and the Internet of Things

Dynamic Coordination EPFL 2012

For master students in Electrical Engineering, Microengineering or Computer Science

The objective is to enable students to design advanced solutions for the coordination of distributed dynamic devices and systems, such as sensor and actuator networks, production or distribution energy systems, as well as intelligent transportation systems.
Selected chapters in dynamic coordination:
  • Modeling of complex dynamic devices and systems using state-space representation
  • Analysis of dynamic properties of complex
  • systems
  • Detection and state estimation
  • Optimal control with and without actuator
  • constraints
  • Navigation functions for dynamic coordination
  • Sensors and actuators networks (Internet of Things)

Human Computer Interaction Tongji 2012

For Bachelor Students from the School of Software Engineering, Tongji University

Teaching Assistant: Li Dongyang

Syllabus (course material available in Graasp)

HCI issues in the Web of People and the Internet of Things

  • Thursday February 23 (3-6pm): Introduction to HCI and Social Medias; Introduction to Graasp; Introduction to individual work
  • Tuesday February 28: Interaction Models; GUI Features; HCI Principles; Individual work
  • Tuesday March 6: User-centered Design; Evaluation; Participatory Design; Introduction to Teamwork; Presentation of individual work (mid-term)
  • Tuesday May 29: Social Media Platforms; Evaluation of Graasp; Teamwork
  • Tuesday June 5: Design of Recommender Systems; Teamwork
  • Thursday June 7: Smart City Workshop “Interaction with smart devices and sensor networks”
  • Tuesday June 12: Evaluation of Recommender Systems; Presentation of teamwork (final)

Human Computer Interaction Tongji 2011

For Bachelor Students from the School of Software Engineering, Tongji University

Syllabus (course material available in Graasp)

HCI issues in the Web of People and the Internet of Things

  • Friday April 15: Introduction to HCI and Web-based interaction, N golden rules for Web (2.0) design, Introduction to Graaasp, Introduction to individual work
  • Friday April 22: Interaction models, Interaction features, HCI Principles, Individual work
  • Friday May 06: User-centered design, presentation of Individual work (mid-term)
  • Friday June 10: Privacy, trust and reputation in social media platforms, Participatory design, Evaluation, Introduction to Teamwork
  • Thursday June 16: Smart City Workshop “Interaction with smart devices and sensor networks” (Dr. Salzmann)
  • Friday June 17: Recommender systems and their integration in Web interfaces – Part 1 (Dr. El Helou), Teamwork
  • Friday June 24: Recommender systems and their integration in Web interfaces – Part 2 (Dr. El Helou), presentation of teamwork (final)

Multivariables Systems: Coordination of distributed dynamic devices and systems EPFL 2011

For Master students in Electrical Engineering, Micro Engineering and Mechanical Engineering

Enseignant: Dr Denis GILLET, MER, Institute of Electrical Engineering, React Group, ME C2 425, tél: 35168.

Description: Le cours est présenté sous forme ex cathedra et se concentre sur l’analyse et la conception de commandes numériques. De nombreux exemples sont intégrés au cours. Des exercices sont également proposés, ainsi que des séances d’étude de cas.

Contenu: Représentation par variables d’état de systèmes continus et discrets. Représentation d’état des systèmes échantillonnés et discrétisation inverse. Estimation d’état et observateur linéaire. Commande d’état par placement de pôles. Commande optimale quadratique (LQR).

Logistique: Cours le mercredi, de 10h15 à 12h, salle CM1.

Syllabus et matériel de cours disponible dans Graasp

Assistants: Alain Bock et Laleh Makarem

Support: Polycopié Systèmes multivariables (2011) de D. Gillet. Le polycopié est disponible ci-dessous sous forme électronique (toute représentation ou reproduction intégrale ou partielle, faite sans le consentement de l’auteur est illicite. © D. Gillet, 1995-2011).